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Local SEO Advertising Spotlight on Content Writing

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By : T. Dean   99 or more times read
Submitted 2011-04-26 15:46:40

If you’ve been asked to provide more unique website content to assist your Organic SEO campaign and don’t have the budget for a writing service then read on…

Writing, enhancing and updating your website material can seem like a daunting task. Especially if it doesn’t come easily to you. Yours Truly would like to help spotlight a few compelling pointers to engage your website visitors through unique content subject matter as well as grab the attention of Web Crawlers for top indexing.

No Need To Reinvent The Wheel – My personal philosophy is “there is no new, unheard-of way to write, but you can always come up with a creative twist“. When re-wording existing content consider using catch phrases, headline news, idioms or slang. And let us not forget about our old friend,

The internet Is At Your fingertips – Use it! Research your competitors. Present insight about your industry that they do not. Offer your customers useful information like a glossary of terms, principles and practices, FAQs or maybe even insider tips of the trade for use as an online reference or guide.

Identify Your Target Market – When writing about your company imagine you are having a conversation with one of your typical customers. Address them in a language they can understand. You need to identify with your customer’s point of view and where they are coming from in order to market to them online.

Keywords Are Golden – It should be easy for you to wrap content around your keywords because they will represent exactly what you have to offer. Your SEO company will let you know the most accurate and targeted keywords to represent you online. A good rule of thumb is to include each keyword three or four times and NO MORE than 7 times per piece or page.

Hit The Right Notes – Online users want content that is informative and transparent. Consumers want specific facts, pricing and all things upfront (i.e. transparency) when they are searching on-the-go via Mobile Devices and comparing you to your competition.

When you have finished your undertaking, read your content out loud and try to put yourself in your potential customer’s shoes. Make sure your subjects flow easily and the topics do not bounce around unnaturally. Your content should ideally reflect the best features of your product(s) and/or expertise. You don’t have to be a great writer to be a great reader. Happy Writing!

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